
studioTaking as my starting point observations, studies and sketches of the natural world – trees, branches, roots, nests, rocks, cracks and crevices, bones, fossils and the human body – I try to transmit something of the strength and the fragility, the immutability and the transience  of the natural world, along with the processes of destruction, transformation and creation.

For many years I have worked with writing ink and natural dyes, gouache and diluted bleach spilt directly onto canvas and cotton material (including old sheets and curtains), usually untreated and often repeatedly dampened, playing with the tension between control and chaos, between intent and accident.  More recently I have been working with fragments of previous works and scraps of material and paper found in my studio to create a series of collages and sculptures: revisiting and reviewing, revising and salvaging, destroying and repairing, reprocessing and reworking, renewing and transforming … A process that has accompanied me during my training as an Art Therapist at the University of Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona.

I have exhibited in galleries, cultural centres and other venues in Madrid and elsewhere in Spain, and in order to divulge more about how and where I work, I try to arrange an “open studio” event each year.